Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April Fools Day

For one day every year, our goal is to make people laugh or startle them out of their everyday routine. Why do we need to wait for April 1st? Why can't every day be like this. People around me are coming to expect it, so I(we) need to expand our possible days for fooling. I am now extending this wonderful holiday and it will be held from January 2nd to December 23rd. That should give us enough time.

The 5 Rules of Fooling

In my youth I may have been over the top, but I have refined my techniques and am now publishing the unofficial rules to april fooling someone.

  1. Tears from laughing are good. Other tears are not.

  2. Destruction of property should be avoiding at all costs.

  3. Fooling someone who doesn't have a sense of humor isn't funny.

  4. Wear clean underwear. It helps us all.

  5. Trips to the hospital are not funny, so try to avoid them.

Word of the Day
facetious (fa·ce·tious): not meant to be taken seriously or literally: a facetious remark.

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